FSOFT ‘given green lights’ to approach US healthcare firms


Being certified to comply with HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) is an important factor helping FSOFT to initially win the trust of healthcare clients in the US right from the capacity profile appraisal round.

Healthcare sector always requires careful and accurate production environment, other factors such as information security and documents all have very strict requirements. “This certificate is a travel pass to help FSOFT in general and FPT America in particular to be more confident when working with clients in the healthcare sector,” FPT America CEO Dang Tran Phuong said.

To own HIPAA, 9 units (FPT America, FHN, ISM, IT, HR, SSC, QA, SEPG, DPO) have collaborated during 3 months divided into 3 stages: Data collection, evidence submission and interview. Specifically, in phase 1, the group must summarize FSOFT policies, procedures and guidelines on information security. By phase 2, FSOFT must submit evidence of the company’s implementation of regulations, policies, and procedures for one year. Finally, members of FHN, ISM, IT, HR, SSC, QA, SEPG, DPO units were interviewed by experts of information security companies in the US.

FSOFT ‘given green lights’ to approach US healthcare firms

“I would like to express my sincere appreciation towards all of you who participated in this project, especially the offshore team headed by MinhPT, who was responsible for coordinating, for your hard work to obtain this certificate. HIPAA not only helps the company prove its capacity to existing clients but also helps FSOFT reach more new clients, ”Mr. Phuong shared.

Notably, obtaining HIPAA certification was carried out from March to May 2020, just right at the time of Covid-19 outbreak in the US. Instead of working directly with international experts, the project team had to change method of the program to online-based. Even confronting many disadvantages due to time zone deviation and work from home policy, the team completed the project only 4 days apart from the original plan.

Being certified to comply with HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) is an important factor helping FSOFT to initially win the trust of healthcare clients in the US right from the capacity profile appraisal round.

Being certified to comply with HIPAA is an important factor helping FSOFT to initially win the trust of healthcare clients in the US right from the capacity profile appraisal round.

On May 27, Apgar & Associates, an American information security company, acknowledged FSOFT satisfaction with HIPAA criteria: “Apgar & Associates, LLC attests that FSOFT complies with HIPAA from the date of receiving the letter of confirmation.” FSOFT’s administrative, technical, … protection measures are in accordance with HIPAA’s Privacy Rules. In addition, FSOFT’s current information security implementation is also confirmed by this US information security specialist that is compliance with the standard of ISO 27001 certification.

After HIPAA, FSOFT continues to aim at getting the Health Information Trust Alliance(HITRUST) certificate.

Source: Cucumber


Being certified to comply with HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) is an important factor helping FSOFT to initially win the trust of healthcare clients in the US right from the capacity profile appraisal round.

Healthcare sector always requires careful and accurate production environment, other factors such as information security and documents all have very strict requirements. “This certificate is a travel pass to help FSOFT in general and FPT America in particular to be more confident when working with clients in the healthcare sector,” FPT America CEO Dang Tran Phuong said.

To own HIPAA, 9 units (FPT America, FHN, ISM, IT, HR, SSC, QA, SEPG, DPO) have collaborated during 3 months divided into 3 stages: Data collection, evidence submission and interview. Specifically, in phase 1, the group must summarize FSOFT policies, procedures and guidelines on information security. By phase 2, FSOFT must submit evidence of the company’s implementation of regulations, policies, and procedures for one year. Finally, members of FHN, ISM, IT, HR, SSC, QA, SEPG, DPO units were interviewed by experts of information security companies in the US.

FSOFT ‘given green lights’ to approach US healthcare firms

“I would like to express my sincere appreciation towards all of you who participated in this project, especially the offshore team headed by MinhPT, who was responsible for coordinating, for your hard work to obtain this certificate. HIPAA not only helps the company prove its capacity to existing clients but also helps FSOFT reach more new clients, ”Mr. Phuong shared.

Notably, obtaining HIPAA certification was carried out from March to May 2020, just right at the time of Covid-19 outbreak in the US. Instead of working directly with international experts, the project team had to change method of the program to online-based. Even confronting many disadvantages due to time zone deviation and work from home policy, the team completed the project only 4 days apart from the original plan.

Being certified to comply with HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) is an important factor helping FSOFT to initially win the trust of healthcare clients in the US right from the capacity profile appraisal round.

Being certified to comply with HIPAA is an important factor helping FSOFT to initially win the trust of healthcare clients in the US right from the capacity profile appraisal round.

On May 27, Apgar & Associates, an American information security company, acknowledged FSOFT satisfaction with HIPAA criteria: “Apgar & Associates, LLC attests that FSOFT complies with HIPAA from the date of receiving the letter of confirmation.” FSOFT’s administrative, technical, … protection measures are in accordance with HIPAA’s Privacy Rules. In addition, FSOFT’s current information security implementation is also confirmed by this US information security specialist that is compliance with the standard of ISO 27001 certification.

After HIPAA, FSOFT continues to aim at getting the Health Information Trust Alliance(HITRUST) certificate.

Source: Cucumber