Team-building at Cebu & life vest lesson

Sunset has come and here’s the darkness, enveloping the road. Inside the van, everybody’s finding the best position to fall asleep. It has been a long day. From sunrise to sunset, from breakfast to late lunch/early dinner and all it’s in between.
Who says that summer is over?
Sure thing, not in the Philippines, not from FPT Cebu and definitely, not from its Testing team who just had a meaningful and unusual trip going south with one goal – not just to explore the beauty and the richness of the marine life and underwater of the famous Moalboal – one of the best diving site in the province of Cebu, but to hopefully build a relationship among fellow testers that would go beyond from the casual office setting.
How to get there?
It all started early, and time could sometimes go unnoticed especially if people were enjoying with what they were doing. Same is true to the Testing team who had a blast during their trip to Moalboal, literally to test its famous sea water attraction.
As early as 5:30 AM (September 29, 2018), team members had been arriving in one of the Terminals in the metro. Some came tired, some appeared cool. There were those who looked sleepy and hungry, while there were some who came busy (especially those who were committee members). No wonder that as they began travelling going back home fast forward almost 6 in the evening, silence was the prevailing mood inside the van (meanwhile some took a trip back home via bus, and some opted to stay overnight, to sing their hearts out while the rest were finding their best way of how to play).
The ‘in between’?
Indeed, it has been a long day. Taking an early trip going south which would take more or less three hours depending on the traffic situation is no joke. The villain? The cold. The hunger. The road. So, it was no longer a surprise when some really felt dizzy and about to throw up while on the way to Moalboal. The good thing was that, the weather has been kind and waves were manageable and since it’s no longer summer time as defined by the calendar of many, the number of tourists who were doing the famous Moalboal island hopping was not that overwhelming.
While in transit and traversing the spiral like highway from Moalboal to Cebu City, it felt like being in the boat one more time, that odd feeling of fun and fear especially seeing the very inviting, blue sea water of Moalboal. Speaking of boat? Four boats were loaded with more or less 40 people (including the Vietnam team who were currently reporting in Cebu site) and each boat, if only they can speak, would surely share their observations on how their passengers were making the best of the time while doing the popular three-destination island hopping. Boats had their ears too.
Almost everyone’s having a good time regardless if they’re only taking pictures, chatting to the boat crew/operators or, of course, swimming even if it means being in the water while the sun was up in the noon time showing and making its presence felt through its glaring heat. After all, it felt like one doesn’t need to be a very good swimmer in order to enjoy the underwater. All you need is to have the courage and the ability to trust the “Life Vest”, so that you can have the glimpse of the rich marine sanctuary in the Pescador Island, to swim with the sardines or just to enjoy the water if the sea turtle has no plan of showing off in the high noon.
The Takeaways?
And just like the life vest, team outing like what they did also required a lot of trust, trust that all would go well even if you were to spend a day or two with people whom you don’t usually spend time with.
Taking for example the nuggets shared by the Test Team’s line manager – Ed Rieta, “I got to know the people deeper. And I was able to break the barriers of being officemates to become friends or even become brothers and sisters.”
Also, quoted from the experience of one of the testers who joined the trip, “I’m afraid of deep blue water but wearing my life vest and goggles makes me feel safe and a bit comfortable. I was excited but at the same time – scared, but the fear never stopped me to enjoy and to experience the exciting sea adventures in Moalboal. It was remarkable, the paradise look of coral gardens and the wealth of marine life was truly extraordinary. Sardines run gives me the unique opportunity to swim with countless sardines in the area. To complete the adventure, turtle watching should never be missed but fortunately I was not able to find one. Being with the team completes the activity as we shared experiences and get to know more with each other in a different way. “
The trip did not disappoint. Aside that it was planned to establish camaraderie among testers working in FPT, it was able to create a bond and memories that would be cherished for a long time.
Just like the wave in the sea and the school of sardines that were swimming together, there’s joy in doing new things when done together or in group.
Perhaps, it’s safe to say that it was one of the many ways of how we play at FPT.
The Moments
Making memories at Pescador Island.
Enjoying the underwater world of Moalboal.
Having a good time with the team on the boat.
Happiness comes in waves.
Vietnam team also joined the outing.
The team that bonds together, makes memories that will last forever.
Ghad Zellah and Alona
Cucumber_FPT Software